Sunday 19 April 2015

What is MOTIVATION & Why do we need it?

MOTIVATION can be seen as a team of :

working together like a wheels of a cart crossing all bumps, pits and enjoying level road to keep the cart moving to its goal, its destination.

You have to have a motive in life, just like a seed, and the has to have emotions attached to it like water, soil and sun, so You have something to work for in life, day in day out, and feel that energy which You want in life. Everyday water that seed to make it grow, than get a satisfaction smile on your face watching the first shoots of it, nothing compares that excitement when you work towards a goal and get the first result and to feel that now it has started.

Everyone in this whole big Earth has a motivation doesn't matter how small it is or how big it is everyone has it and everyone feels it. don't you think its true.

Try stooping your urge to visit the wash-room when you get that small pressure below your belly, slowly the pressure mounts making you feel that now you are having it, that thing is there but you Mr. Unmotivated isn't motivated enough to visit the wash-room you are somehow delaying it, you can feel the energy of it but it isn't hard enough to get you moving. After some more time, NOW the pressure has the power of a Tsunami inside you making your stomach crying for pushing it out of it and your facial expressions change to nullify the effect of tornadoes whirling inside you. But here you are unmotivated unchanged by the effect of it to make your move to move it out but here my friend the seed which was once asleep has taken its first shoots, you are now getting a little uncomfortable and thinking about a change, make a move but it ain't that strong enough to really make you move. You keep sitting, some more time elapses now there are 3-4 Tsunamis inside you and no idea of how many tornadoes are whirling in, the waves are now ringing bells non-stop in your head making you go maudlin over your condition. NOW you are fully fired up raising your head against all odds, breaking all boundaries, leaving everything behind and making you run pushing all who come in between towards your destination your goal The Wash-room. And here you are inside the room locking the cubical pulling the restraint down and WHOA!!! The Happiness, The Enjoyment, The Fulfilment and you are over whelmed and left you humble.

Hats off to the power of MOTIVATION...!!!

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