Wednesday 13 May 2015

What is FEAR ???

FEAR, what is it? Is it good or its absence is good ?

An emotion or feeling which makes any living creature feel scared because of some threat or a danger whether involving life, future or for above all survival.

Fear is good and it is also required as it pushes us to move us to another level of awareness, advancement. Evolve ourselves to become better equipped with ideas and tools. Had there been no fear of darkness there wouldn't have been the great discovery of light through stones and tools from it to protect ourselves. Had there been no fear of hunger we wouldn't have learnt the lessons of farming, hunting. To me fear is required for us to be better at what we do best and think of new ideas to get what we don't have now.
In a way fear is good for progress.

BUT when it transforms into Worry of future, life or of tomorrow it crushes mind and your reaction to situations. It sows that level of insecurity in our brain in which we stop loving in the present and start brooding about the future. We live in distress and put our loved ones in stress. Always thinking of what's next, which hasn't happened yet but will happen in your brain a thousand times in different order.
Imagination of brain has no boundaries and with that our boundary of worry it will break into insanity and give you an obscure response to people or situations.

Take this, right now you might be reading this article on your mobile or on your laptop now let's go to that insane behaviour. What are the chances that you might get hurt, badly.
Oh my God! They're  huge. My mobile battery could burst anytime, what if the screen suddenly stops and the chipset is gone, what if this or what if that happens. I will be left with pain, hurt and remorse. Let's just stop using mobile, hmmm that's a good idea, no mobile no pain no remorse. YES!

Now just stop a second and think is this the way of life.

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