Friday 15 May 2015

what is the effect of Appreciation? ... The most desired but not fetched

There was a family a Dad, a Mom and a son. Living a good life. Everything was in routine for all of them. One day when the Dad returns home in the evening pushed the bell button, no one opened the door, he waited for a minute then rang the bell again then some more minutes passed. Finally after 5 mins of wait his son opened the door. The dad entered the apartment demanding what took so long to open the door. The dad then went to the sofa sat there for a while then in disgust shouts when the water will be delivered is she, her wife, forgetting everything. His son then brings the glass of water. The dad then moves to the washroom to freshen up. Again after a few minutes the dad shouts from the washroom to his wife is she nuts today as there was no towel in the washroom. The son then slowly being the towel to him. The dad was furious like a lion by this time. He took the towel and changed his clothes and then moved the living room again, sat on the sofa, looking at him anyone would tell not to talk with him at this moment. After half an hour the wife brings tea and snacks to the table where the dad was sitting and the son sat next to his dad. The dad was boiling with anger as this is first time the tea took so much time to come to the table. He kept gazing his wife in anger and burst out saying is this what's our discipline and routine teaches us to be like, hasn't she understood in all these years what are his needs at what time. Looks like all the years are wasted. The son then smiled a bit and asked "dad for so many years mom is keeping your routine, requirements and much more intact and kept you going. Did at any time you mention her that how thankful, grateful you are to her. Did you ever appreciated her for her hard work, love and submission. And here one small frame of time made you feel how important she is if she is not what she is."
Then there was this pin drop silence and the dad was just kept looking his child and wife.
Isn't it's true with our nature, this is what is happening in our daily lives when we take people around us for granted and don't bother to tell them how special they are or what they do doesn't matter whether it's a Peon or a Maid or a Junior or a Colleague or the above all of all our own wife. We need small or big efforts, whether it's in a year or week or in a month or in a day, of countless people to make our every second going and yet they go unrecognised.
We in turn also need a feed of appreciation to grow, to feel noticed or to get respect for our feelings when we care. Without this special thing we will be like robots or a system running on programme rather than human beings who have feelings.
Appreciation is the key with which we can touch people's heart, make them feel special for their dedication in whatever small way it could be so that this small seed can develop into a big tree and help us enjoy it's shadow when we need it.

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