Friday 4 September 2015

Why Should we have FAITH???...FAITH - The unquestionable...


Sometime back I had to take a flight for my tour. I took my ticket went inside of the airport..took my boarding pass gave my luggage, went through the security check and waited for the flight to be announced waiting on the couch, and when the announcement happened for my flight at the gate no 1. I stood up and went to the gate took the bus and after showing my boarding pass at the last check went inside the aircraft and took my seat. After a while the gates were closed and the pilot steered the aircraft and went to the take-off strip and made its thrust to the clouds and poof-ff I was in the air in no time, I took a look at my watch to calculate the time I will be landing at my destination, and went relaxed. I feel this is the way everyone travels.

Now let’s take one more look at the event, did I or any one reading this has ever inquired that who is riding the plane is there really a pilot or a he drunk or not....does he has enough experience to fly...does he even know where he has to go...what if on asking him that will he make us land on the destination, he reply ' We will try to land on or around the destination.'
Just think for a second who will take his/her seat comfortably or even take a seat in that plane. But the weird truth is we all travel like this only and everyday make our decisions without cross-checking and it all happens because of FAITHWe put our trust or confidence on/in someone/something based on our experience/knowledge/Feel.

And for particular cases it just depends that how strong your faith is, like seeing your partner with someone and you stealthily watched and make a call to know what he shall say about where he is. You made a call...he picks it asked him where he is...he says he is in office and call you back slid the phone in your pocket and slowly moved away.
Now watch closely he came back in evening and kissed you...but you were very quiet in your reactions... and he spoke to you the very first sentence...'Hey sorry honey I lied to you in the afternoon, I was with a friend that time when you called, she is going through some tough times and didn't want to disclose things so she insisted to not tell you where we are'.

This is ridiculous right she could have chosen to go upfront and catch him red-handed telling lie but she instead took a leap of FAITH as per her experience/knowledge/Feel for him and kept quiet. We can’t trust someone who is not reliable.

FAITH on each other is driving and running the society in various forms like faith in justice, truth, relations, friends, system..etc...and the biggest of them all is we will wake up tomorrow morning while closing our eyes at night and at the barber shop when handing over our neck to him. There has to be someone to put faith onto, we can’t put our faith on someone who is not there.

But Faith should not be blind as blind faith is useless like faith in a Tiger that it shall not pounce on you when you enter its cage.

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